Olea Createathon Workshops
An interactive and innovative workshop designed by Olive Halsall (Mphil, Cantab).
Unleash your creative competitiveness through language.
1h30 one-off workshop
2-5hr bespoke sessions
5hrs+ to go deeper
For your business
- Team building
Challenge your team to become creatively competitive. Through Olea's Private Joke, the card game, your team will invent words to articulate their strengths, solidify culture, and foster a strong sense of collaboration and intercultural communication.
Your business can be copied, but your culture cannot. This Olea Createathon will leave your team with a language to focus on their shared vision and goals.
For your school
- Careers / MFL
In the 21st-century workforce, knowing another language can save your career, enable you to pivot into a new industry, and equip you with robust life skills. Languages make students creatively competitive. Read more about our KS5 careers workshop here.
Inspire modern foreign languages into the hearts of your students. Through Olea's Private Joke, the card game, students will invent their own words, learn up to 8 different languages, strengthen their intercultural communication skills, and be inspired to learn languages.